Geotrust will email you your certificate embedded in the body of the email, copy and paste it into a text file (such as certfile.txt) using Vi or Notepad. Do not use Microsoft Word or other word processing programs that may add characters. Confirm that there are no extra lines or spaces in the file.
Step 1: Install the SSL certificate
Locate your saved SSL certificate file (certfile.txt) from GeoTrust and proceed with the following steps:
- Open the WebUI
- From the Options menu, click Objects, and then click Certificates.
- From the show dropdown select Local.
- Click Browse to locate the certificate file that was sent via email.
- Click Load.
*** Only proceed beyond these steps if you are installing a GeoTrust Extended Validation certificate. The following steps are not required for QuickSSL,QuickSSL Premium or Wildcard certificate.
Step 2: Install intermediate certificate
If you are installing a GeoTrust EV certificate, you need to first download & install the "GeoTrust Extended Validation SSL CA Intermediate CA" using the below steps.
- From the Options menu, click Objects, and then click Certificates.
- From the show dropdown select Local.
- Click Browse to locate the downloaded certificate file GTEVCA.cer
- Click Load.
Step 2: Install CA certificate
If you are installing a GeoTrust EV certificate, you need to first download & install the "GeoTrust Primary Certificate Authority Intermediate CA" using the below steps.
- From the Options menu, click Objects, and then click Certificates.
- From the show dropdown select Local.
- Click Browse to locate the downloaded certificate file GTPCA.cer
- Click Load.
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