On October 7 we had a major network outage, affecting most of our services. The outage affected the backup storage servers and resulted in an inability of virtualization hypervisor to communicate with them.

To resolve the problem, our support engineer went on-site to identify and rectify the problem.

The details of the outage

3:30 PM. The first problem identified an inability to access backup disks from within a Virtual Server.
5:30 PM. Our support engineer arrived on site to identify the problem.
7:03 PM. Network problem resolved and all hypervisor nodes rebooted one by one, to release the locks of incomplete tasks.
7:35 PM. All service restored.

Total downtime registered: 32 minutes.

Should you wish to receive a more detailed update, please contact us via support@redyhost.com

RedyHost support team.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

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