Geotrust will send you the SSL certificate via email. Using a plain text editor such as Notepad, paste the content of the certificate:
You should then have a text file that looks like:
[encoded data]
Make sure you have 5 dashes to either side of the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE and that no white space, extra line breaks or additional characters have been inadvertently added.
Save it with extension .txt.
1. Open the Internet Services Manager (IIS):
a) Click Start
b) Select All Programs
c) Select Administrative Tools
d) Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Under Web Sites, right-click your web site and select Properties.
3. Click the Directory Security tab.
4. Under Secure Communications, click Server Certificate.
5. The Web Site Certificate Wizard will open, click Next.
6. Choose Process the Pending Request and Install the Certificate, then click Next.
Important: The pending request must match the response file. If you deleted the pending request in error you must generate a new CSR and replace this certificate.
7. Select the location of the certificate response file, and then click Next.
NOTE: By default the wizard will look for a ".cer" file, click BROWSE and find the ".txt" you saved earlier.
8. Read the summary screen to be sure that you are processing the correct certificate and then click Next.
9. You see a confirmation screen. After you read this information, click Next.
Stop and start your Web server prior to any testing.
Be sure to assign your site an SSL port (443 by default).
If you do not specify an IP address when installing your SSL Certificate, the same ID will be used for all virtual servers created on the system.
If you are hosting multiple sites on a single server, you can specify that the ID only be used for a particular server IP address
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