Bea WebLogic 5.1

Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for your Web site. When you have completed this process, click the "close" button below to close this window and continue to the next step.

1. Start WebLogic web server. Note Port 7001 for http and Port 7002 for https (SSL)

2. Start the "Certificate Request Generator."

a. Start your web-browser.

b. Start the Certificate Generator:


3. Fill in the fields for the Certificate Signing Request

4. Click "Generate Request" This process creates 3 files in the serverroot directory - the private key, and the certificate signing request in both binary and text formats.

5. Copy the Certificate Signing Request and send to GeoTrust.
(Go through steps for purchasing a certificate and paste your certificate request in block when prompted)

**** Be sure to include -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----


a. www_domainname_com-key.der - This is the private key file

b. www_domainname_com-request.dem - Certificate Request in Binary

c. www_domainname_com-request.pem - Certificate Request in text

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