Lotus Domino 5.x

Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for your Web site. When you have completed this process, click the "close" button below to close this window and continue to the next step.

  1. Create a server key ring file 
    a. Open Notes client, then select Server Certificate Admin database
    b. Select "1. Create Key Ring" and provide inputs as indicated, including your Distinguished Name entries
    c. be sure to remember your password!

  2. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to send to GeoTrust 
    a. Select "2. Create Certificate Request" and provide the inputs as indicated; you will be asked for the password you saved above.
    b. When the "Certificate Request Created" window pops up, copy or cut-and-paste the PKCS format (i.e., all the text from "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE-----.... up to and including ... "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
    c. Paste this CSR into our GeoTrust web site form as directed

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